Pubblications - BATS-LAB

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  1. Brevetto italiano – A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, “Sensore elettrochimico non enzimatico di glucosio e relativo metodo di preparazione;” Applicazione n. 102023000024975 del 23/11/2023 (In esame).
  2. Brevetto italiano – E. Allegra, S.A. Pullano, M.R. Bianco, F. Occhiuzzi, D. Latella, “Dispositivo per l’esecuzione della spirometria in pazienti portatori di tracheostomia;” Applicazione n. 102023000014568 del 12/07/2023 (In esame).
  3. Brevetto Europeo - A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, “Personal protective equipment against pathogenic microorganisms and related production method;” Application n. P 21174540.1, 18-05-2021 (In esame).
  4. Brevetto italiano - A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, “Dispositivo indossabile ad effetto triboelettrico per la valutazione di parametri fisiologici;” n. 102021000000818, 18-01-2021 (Concesso).
  5. Brevetto italiano - A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, “Dispositivo di protezione individuale contro microrganismi patogeni e suo processo di produzione;” n. 102020000011641, 19-05-2020 (Concesso).
  6. Brevetto USA - A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello “Triboelectric wearable device and method for physiological monitoring” US patent US11903687B2, 2020 (Concesso).
  7. Brevetto italiano - A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, “Trasduttore a Larga Banda Conformato A Spirale,” Application n. 102018000011073, 09-11-2020 (Concesso).
  8. Technology Disclosure - IR-Light Induced Pyroelectric Effect for Cell Cultures Characterization, (co-authored with A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, M. Greco), University of North Texas, TX 76203, United States, 2017.
  9. Technology Disclosure - A Low-Power Integrated Respiratory Signal Monitoring and Automatic Apnea Detection System Using Pyroelectric Transducer and CMOS Integrated Circuit”, (co-authored with Syed K. Islam, Mark S. Gaylord, Vichien Lorch, Farhan Quaiyum, Ifana Mahbub, Antonino S. Fiorillo), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, 2015.

  1. N. Malara, M.L. Coluccio, F. Grillo, T. Ferrazzo, N.C. Garo, G. Donato, A. Lavecchia, F. Fulciniti, A. Sapino, E. Cascardi, A. Pellegrini, P. Foxi, C. Furlanello, G. Negri, G. Fadda, A. Capitanio, S. Pullano, V.M. Garo, F. Ferrazzo, A. Lowe, A. Torsello, P. Candeloro, F. Gentile, “Multicancer screening test based on the detection of circulating non haematological proliferating atypical cells,” Molecular Cancer, vol. 23, 2024.
  2. P. Presta, N. Carullo, A. Armeni, M.T. Zicarelli, M. Musolino, M.G. Bianco, S. Chiarella, M. Andreucci, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, D. Bolignano, G. Coppolino, “Evaluation of arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis with a new generation digital stethoscope: a pilot study,” International Urology and Nephrology, vol. 56, pp. 1763-1771, 2024.
  3. G. Oliva, A.S. Fiorillo, T.A. Jelic, S. Valic, S.A. Pullano, “Thermal Desorption from Zeolite Layer for VOC Detection,” Solid State Electronics, vol. 210, p. 108809, 2023.
  4. G. Oliva, A.S. Fiorillo, S.K. Islam, S.A. Pullano, “Detection of Propionic Acids Trapped in Thin Zeolite Layer Using Thermal Desorption Analysis,” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 17, 2023.
  5. M. Greco, M. Mirabelli, A. Salatino, F. Accattato, V. Aiello, F.S. Brunetti, E. Chiefari, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, D.P. Foti, et al., “From Euglycemia to Recent Onset of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Proof-of-Concept Study on Circulating microRNA Profiling Reveals Distinct, and Early microRNA Signatures,” Diagnostics, vol. 13, p. 2443, 2023.
  6. S.A. Pullano, G. Marcianò, M.G. Bianco, G. Oliva, V. Rania, C. Vocca, E. Cione, G. De Sarro, L. Gallelli, P. Romeo, A. La Gatta, A.S. Fiorillo, “FT-IR Analysis of Structural Changes on Ketoprofen Lysine Salt and KiOil Caused by Pulsed Magnetic Field,” Bioengineering, vol.9, no. 10, 2022.
  7. G. Oliva, M. G. Bianco, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “Anti-Reflective Zeolite Coating for Implantable Bioelectronic Devices,” Bioengineering, vol. 9, no. 8, p. 404, Aug. 2022.
  8. S.A. Pullano, V.D. Kota, K. Kakaraparty, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub,” Optically Unobtrusive Zeolite-Based Dry Electrodes for Wearable ECG Monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 10630-10639, 2022
  9. S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, M. Greco, D. Mazzuca, S.P. Nisticò, A.S. Fiorillo, “FT-IR Saliva Analysis for the Diagnosis of Psoriasis: a Pilot Study,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 74, p. 103525, 2022.
  10. S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, M. Greco, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, “Glucose Biosensors in Clinical Practice: Principles, Limits and Perspectives of Currently Used Devices,” Theranostics, vol. 12, no. 2, 2022.
  11. S.A. Pullano, C.D: Critello, M.G. Bianco, M. Menniti, A.S. Fiorillo, “PVDF Ultrasonic Sensors for In-Air Applications: A Review,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 68, no.7, pp.2324-2335, 2021.
  12. S.A. Pullano, A. S. Fiorillo, G. Barile, V. Stornelli, and G. Ferri, “A Second-Generation Voltage-Conveyor-Based Interface for Ultrasonic PVDF Sensors,” Micromachines, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 99, Jan. 2021.
  13. S. G. Ilchenko, V. V. Multian, R. A. Lymarenko, V. B. Taranenko, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, and V.Y. Gayvoronsky, “Application of P(VDF-TrFE) Glass Coating for Robust Harmonic Nanoparticles Characterization,” Micromachines, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 41, Jan. 2021.
  14. P. Viola, D. Pisani, S.A. Pullano, M. Trimbol, A. Scarpa, A.S. Fiorillo, A. Gambardella, G. Chiarella, “Objective bilateral tinnitus from palatal nystagmus. Audio and video features of a rare case of palatal myoclonus,” American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery, vol. 41, no. 6, 102739, 2020.
  15. M. Greco, E. Chiefari, F. Accattato, D.M. Corigliano, B. Arcidiacono, M. Mirabelli, R. Liguori, F.S. Brunetti, S.A. Pullano, V. Scorcia, A.S. Fiorillo, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A., “Microrna-1281 as a novel circulating biomarker in patients with diabetic retinopathy,” Frontiers in Endocrinology, vol. 11, 528, 2020
  16. S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, D.C. Critello, M. Menniti, A. La Gatta, A.S. Fiorillo, “A recursive algorithm for indoor positioning using pulse-echo ultrasonic signals,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 18, 5042, 2020
  17. N.T. Tasneem, S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, “A Low-Power On-chip ECG Monitoring System Based on MWCNT/PDMS Dry Electrodes,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 21, , pp. 12799-12806, 2020
  18. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, C.D. Critello, “Ultrasonic Transducers Shaped in Archimedean and Fibonacci Spiral: A Comparison,” Sensors, vol. 20 , no. 10, 2020
  19. C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, G. Gallo, T.J. Matula, A.S. Fiorillo, “Low frequency ultrasound as a potentially viable foaming option for pathological veins,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 599, 124919, 2020.
  20. D.K. Biswas, M. Sinclair, M. Le, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, “Modeling and characterization of scaling factor of flexible spiral coils for wirelessly powered wearable sensors,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 2, 2020.
  21. S.A. Pullano, F. Falcone, C.D. Critello, M.G. Bianco, M. Menniti, A.S. Fiorillo, “An affordable fabrication of a zeolite-based capacitor for gas sensing,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 8, 2020.
  22. M.G. Bianco, S.A. Pullano, R. Citraro, E: Russo, G. De Sarro, E.V. Sidani, A.S. Fiorillo, “Neural modulation of the primary auditory cortex by intracortical microstimulation with a bio-inspired electronic system,” Bioengineering, vol. 7, no. 1, 2020.
  23. M.L. Coluccio, S.A. Pullano, M.F. Vismara, N. Coppedè, G. Perozziello, P. Candeloro, F. Gentile, N. Malara, “Emerging designs of electronic devices in biomedicine,” Micromachines, vol. 11, no. 2, 123, 2929
  24. S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, A.S. Fiorillo, “Triboelectric-Induced Pseudo-ICG for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment on Flexible Electronics,” Nano Energy, vol. 67, 2020.
  25. E. Dattola, T. Limongi, C. Botta, M.L. Coluccio, P. Candeloro, ;M. Cucé, B. Scopacasa, M.E. Gallo Cantafio, C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, P. Tagliaferri, P. Tassone, E. Lamanna, E. Di Fabrizio G. Perozziello,” Influence of the fabrication accuracy of Hot-embossed PCL scaffolds on cell growths,” Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., vol. 8, 84, 2020.
  26. E. Palella, R. Cimino, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, E. Gulletta, A. Brunetti, D.P. FOti, M. Greco, Laboratory parameters of hemostasis, adhesion molecules, and inflammation in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Correlation with glycemic control ,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, n. 1, 2020,
  27. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano§, C.D. Critello§, “Spiral-Shaped Biologically-Inspired Ultrasonic Sensor,” Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 67, no. 3, 2020.
  28. M. Stetsenko, S.A. Pullano, T. Margitych, L. Maksimenko, A. Hassan, S. Kryvyi, R. Hu, C. Huang, R. Ziniuk, S. Golovynskyi, I. Babichuk, Βaikui Li, J. Qu, and A.S. Fiorillo, “Antireflection Enhancement by Composite Nanoporous Zeolite 3A–Carbon Thin Film,” Nanomaterials, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1641, Nov. 2019.
  29. S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, A.S. Fiorillo “Triboelectric-Induced Pseudo-ICG for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment on Flexible Electronics,” Nano Energy, in press, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104278
  30. C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, T.J. Matula, S. De Franciscis, R. Serra, A.S. Fiorilo, “Recent developments on foaming mechanical and electronic techniques for the management of varicose veins,” Expert Review of Medical Devices, vol. 16, no. 11,pp. 931-940, 2019.
  31. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, D.M. Corigliano, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, “Cell-line characterization by infrared-induced pyroelectric effect,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 140, pp. 111338, 2019.
  32. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, C.D. Critello, “Bioinspired US sensor for broadband applications,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 294, pp. 148-153, 2019
  33. S.A. Pullano, N.T. Tasneem, I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, M. Greco, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, “Deep Sub-micron EGFET Based on Transistor Association Technique for Chemical Sensing,” Sensors, vol. 19, no. 5, 1063, 2019.
  34. S. Shamsir, I. Mahbub, S.A. Pullano, S.K. Islam, “Low-Power Low-data-rate IR-UWB Transmitter for Pediatric Apnea Monitoring System,” IET Circuits Devices Systems, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 494-498, 2019.
  35. I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, S.K. Islam, “Design of a Charge Amplifier for a Low-Power Respiration Monitoring System,” IET Circuits Devices Systems, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 499-503, 2019.
  36. S.A. Pullano, C. Critello, I. Mahbub, N. Tasneem, S. Shamsir, S. Islam, M. Greco, and A. Fiorillo, “EGFET-Based Sensors for Bioanalytical Applications: A Review,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 11, p. 4042, Nov. 2018.
  37. A.S. Fiorillo, C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, Theory, technology and applications of piezoresistive sensors: A review, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 281, pp. 156–175, 2018.
  38. G. Perozziello, P. Candeloro, M. Coluccio, G. Das, L. Rocca, S. Pullano, A. Fiorillo, M. De Stefano, and E. Di Fabrizio, “Nature Inspired Plasmonic Structures: Influence of Structural Characteristics on Sensing Capability,” Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 668, Apr. 2018.
  39. H. Wang, C. Britton, F. Quaiyum, S.A. Pullano, L. Taylor, A.S. Fiorillo, S.K. Islam, “A Charge Sensitive Pre-Amplifier for Smart Point-of-Care Devices Employing Polymer Based Lab-on-a-Chip,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 984–988, 2018.
  40. S.A. Pullano, S Rudenko, M.O. Stetsenko, I.M. Krishchenko, L.M. Maksymenko, V. Synyuk, A.S. Fiorillo,” Antireflection Properties of Composite Zeolite Gold Nanoparticles Film,” Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 370–372, 2018.
  41. S.A. Pullano, I. Mahbub, M.G. Bianco, S. Shamsir, S.K. Islam, M.S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, A.S. Fiorillo, “Medical Devices for Paediatric Apnea Monitoring and Therapy: Past and New Trends,” IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 10, pp. 199-212, 2017.
  42. I. Mahbub, S.A. Pullano, H. Wang, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, G. To, M.R. Mahfouz, “A Low-Power Wireless Piezoelectric Sensor-Based Respiration Monitoring System Realized in CMOS Process,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, n. 6, 2017.
  43. S.A. Pullano, I. Mahbub, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, PVDF sensor stimulated by infrared radiation for temperature monitoring in microfluidic devices,” Sensors, vol. 17, n. 4, 2017.
  44. F. Accattato, M. Greco, S.A. Pullano, I. Caré, A.S. Fiorillo, A. Pujia, T. Montalcini, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, E. Gulletta, “Effects of acute physical exercise on oxidative stress and inflammatory status in young, sedentary obese subjects, PLoS ONE, vol. 12, n. 6, 2017.
  45. A. Morandi, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, P.L. Ribani, ”Development of a Small Cryogen-Free MgB2 Test Coil for SMES Application,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 27, n.4, 2017.
  46. D. Menniti§, S.A. Pullano§, M.G. Bianco, R. Citraro, E. Russo, G. De Sarro, A.S. Fiorillo, “Biomimetic Sonar for Electrical Activation of the Auditory Pathway,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2017, 2017.
  47. D. Paolino, D. Cosco, P. Failla, N. Costa, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, V. Mollace, M. Fresta, “Rutin-loaded Chitosan Microspheres: Characterization and Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity Carbohydrate Polymers,” Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 5, pp.583-591, 2016.
  48. U. Bottoni, R. Tiriolo, S.A. Pullano, S. Dastoli, G.F. Amoruso, S.P. Nisticò, A.S. Fiorillo, “Infrared Saliva Analysis of Psoriatic and Diabetic Patients: Similarities in Protein Components,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.64, 2016.
  49. A.S. Fiorillo, R. Tiriolo, S.A. Pullano, “Absorption of Urea into zeolite layer integrated with microelectronic circuits”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 14, n. 2, 2015.
  50. S.A. Pullano, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, “Pyroelectric Sensor for Temperature Monitoring of Biological Fluids in Microchannel Devices”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, n. 8, 2014.
  51. S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, C.D. Critello, F. Laganà, D. Menniti, F. Ruberto, R. Tiriolo, A.S. Fiorillo “Biomass Plant and Sensors Network for Process Monitoring and Energy Storage in a Superconducting Magnetic Device,” RIGAS TEHNISKAS UNIVERSITATES ZINATNISKIE RAKSTI. 15. SERIJA, VIDES TEHNOGENAS DROSIBAS ZINATNISKAS PROBLEMAS, vol. 6, pp. 28-35, ISSN: 2255-6923, 2014.
  52. L. Tirinato, F. Gentile, D. Di Mascolo, M.L. Coluccio, G. Das, C. Liberale, S.A. Pullano, G. Perozziello, M. Francardi, A. Accardo, F. De Angelis, P. Candeloro, E. Di Fabrizio, “SERS analysis on exosomes using super-hydrophobic surfaces”, Microelectronic Eng., vol. 97, pp. 337-340, 2012.
  53. A.S. Fiorillo, D. Grimaldi, D. Paolino, S.A. Pullano, “Low Frequency Ultrasound in Medicine: an in Vivo Evaluation”, IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61, pp. 1658-1663, 2012.
  54. G. Perozziello, G. Simone, P. Candeloro, F. Gentile, N. Malara, R. Larocca, M. Coluccio, S.A. Pullano, L.Tirinato, O. Geschke, E. Di Fabrizio, “A fluidic motherboard for multiplexed simultaneous and Modular Detection in Microfluidic Systems for biological application”, Micro and Nanosystems, Vol. 2 No.4, pp. 227-238 December 2010.
  55. A.S. Fiorillo, F. Lamonaca, S.A. Pullano, “PVDF Based Sonar for a Remote Web System to Control Mobile Robots, Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 8, Special Issue, pp. 65-73, February 2010.

  1. P. Candeloro, D. Panella, S.A. Pullano, M.L. Coluccio, G. Perozziello, “Fabrication technologies. In: G. Perozziello, U. Krühne, P. Luciani. (eds) Microfluidics for Cellular Applications. Elsevier, 2023.
  2. M. Greco, E. Chiefari, M. Mirabelli, A. Salatino, S.A. Pullano, A. Aversa, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, “Insights into the World of MicroRNAs. In: Patel, V.B., Preedy, V.R. (eds) Biomarkers in Diabetes. Biomarkers”, in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications. Springer, Cham., 2022.
  3. S.G: Ilchenko, R.A. Lymarenko, V.B.Y. Taranenko, V.V. Multian, V.Y. Gayvoronsky, S.A. Pullano, D.C: Critello, A.S. Fiorillo, “Detection of CBRN Agents at the Interface with P(VDF–TRFE) Film by Scanning Third Harmonic Generation,” NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, Springer, Dordrecht, 2020.
  4. A.S. Fiorillo, J.D. Vinko, F. Accattato, M.G. Bianco, C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, “Zeolite-Based Interfaces for CB Sensors, “In: Bonča J., Kruchinin S. (eds) Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. Springer, Dordrecht, 2018.
  5. S.P. Rudenko, M.O. Stetsenko, L.S. Maksimenko, S.B. Kryvyi, B.K. Serdega, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, Optical Polarization Characteristics of Zeolite Deposited on Different Substrates for Perspective Modulation Biosensor Systems,“ In: Bonča J., Kruchinin S. (eds) Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology. Springer, Dordrecht, 2018.
  6. I. Mahbub, S.A. Pullano, S. Shamsir, S.K. Islam, “Low-Power Wearable and Wireless Sensors for Advanced Healthcare Monitoring,” in: IoT and Low-Power Wireless: Circuits, Architectures, and Techniques, Taylor and Francis, 2018.
  7. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, R. Tiriolo, J.D. Vinko, “Iono-Electronic Interface Based on Innovative Low Temperature Zeolite Coated NMOS (Circuits) for Bio-Nanosensor Manufacture,” on Nanomaterials for Security, published by NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, 2016.
  8. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “Ferroelectric polymer for bio-sonar replica,” in: Ferroelectrics-Applications, Intechopen, Rijeka, 2011.


  1. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, “Thermoelectrical Characterization of Cells Using a Pyroelectric Sensor,” IEEE Sensors Conference, Wien, 29 Oct. – 1 Nov., 2023.
  2. F. Laganà, D. Britti, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “New Surface Electrical Charge Detection System for Ecology and Insect Monitoring,” 2023 International Workshop on Biomedical Applications, Technologies and Sensors (BATS), Catanzaro, Italy, 28-29 September, 2023.
  3. M. Menniti, G. Oliva, F. Laganà, M.G. Bianco, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “Portable Non-Invasive Ventilator for Homecare and Patients Monitoring System,” 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Jeju, South Korea, 14-16 June, 2023.
  4. G. Oliva, M.G. Bianco, F. Laganà, D. De Carlo, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “Nailfold Video Capillaroscopy for the Analysis of Microcirculation,” 2022 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), Iasi, Romania, 17-18 November, 2022.
  5. F. Laganà, D. De Carlo, Calcagno, G. Oliva, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “Modeling of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Carcinoma Detection,” 2022 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), Iasi, Romania, 17-18 November, 2022.
  6. V.D. Kota, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, “Effects of Geometry on Performances of Optically Unobtrusive Zeolite-Based Electrodes,” 2022 IEEE Sensors Conference, Dallas, USA, 30 October -2 November, 2022.
  7. G. Barile, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, G. Ferri, “Bioinspired Transducer and Second-Generation Voltage Conveyor for a Sonar System,” 2022 International Ultrasonic Symposium, Venezia, Italy, 10-13 October, 2022.
  8. G. Barile, M. Scarsella, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, C.D. Critello, “Exploiting Wideband Ultrasonic Signal Reception Trough Spiral-Shaped PVDF Sensors and Second Generation Voltage Conveyors,” In: Di Francia, G., Di Natale, C. (eds) Sensors and Microsystems. AISEM 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 918. Springer, Cham.
  9. G. Oliva, A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “Development of VOCs Sensor based on Synthetic Zeolite layers,” 53rd Annual Meeting of the Associazione Società Italiana di Elettronica (SIE), 7-9 Settembre 2022.
  10. G. Barile, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, G. Ferri, “A Broadband Approach for the Generation and Reception of Low-Frequency Ultrasounds In-Air for Sonar Applications,” 2021 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), Iasi, Romanica, 18-19 November, 2021.
  11. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, S. Scalise, E.I. Parrotta, V. Lucchino, G. Cuda, A.S. Fiorillo, “Characterization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using a Pyroelectric Sensor,” 2021 IEEE Sensors Conference, Sydney, Australia, 31 Oct. – 3 Nov., 2021
  12. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, N.T. Tasneem, S. Shamsir, S.K. Islam “Design and Fabrication of an EGFET Based Chemical Sensor Using Transistor Association Technique,” IEEE Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2020, Bari, Italy, 1-3 June, 2020.
  13. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M. Menniti, M.G. Bianco, C.D. Critello “Ultrasonic Transducer for Broadband Applications,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 629, pp. 97-101, 2020
  14. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, M. Menniti, C.D. Critello, “ Cochlear-like PVDF US Sensor,” 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2019, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 November, 2019.
  15. F. Laganà, D. De Carlo, S. Calcagno, S.A. Pullano, D. Critello, F. Falcone, A.S. Fiorillo, “Computational Model of Cell Deformation Under Fluid Flow Based Rolling,” 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2019, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 November, 2019.
  16. C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, F. Falcone, M. Menniti, M.G. Bianco, A.S. Fiorillo, “Temperature Evaluation of Sonicated Sclerosing Foam through Induced Pyroelectric Effect by IR Radiation,” 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications, Niš, Serbia, 23-25 Oct., 2019.
  17. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, S. Shamsir, N.T. Tasneem, F. Falcone, I. Mahbub, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, “Design and Fabrication of an EGFET Chemical Sensor by Transistor Association Technique,” 2nd Workshop on Electronics for Sensors, Rome, 17 Sept., 2019
  18. M.G. Bianco, D. Menniti, C.D. Critello, R. Citraro, E. Russo, G. De Sarro, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “Bioinspired Electric Stimulation: Comparison of ECoG Spectrum in the Main Auditory Structures, “2019 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Istanbul, 26 Jun. 2019.
  19. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, M.G. Bianco, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, “FT-IR Saliva Profiling in Patients with Obesity and Obesity-Related Insulin Resistance, “2019 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Istanbul, 26 Jun. 2019.
  20. S. Shamsir, S.H. Hesari, S.K. Islam, I. Mahbub, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “Instrumentation of a pyroelectric transducer based respiration monitoring system with wireless telemetry,” 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Houston, USA; 14 Apr. 2018
  21. M.G. Bianco, S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, M. Menniti, R. Citraro, E. Russo, G. De Sarro, A.S. Fiorillo, “Direct Modulation of High-Frequency Neural Oscillations in the Auditory Cortex Through Electrical Microstimulation Generated by PVDF Sensors,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, 11 Jun. 2018.
  22. S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, F. Ursini, C. Bruno, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, N.T. Tasneem, “Development of a Low-cost Nailfold Capillaroscopy Platform to Enhance Early Detection of Secondary Raynaud's Phenomenon,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, 11 Jun. 2018.
  23. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, D.M. Corigliano, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, “Pyroelectric sensor for characterization of biological cells,” 4th National Conference on Sensors, In: Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 539, pp. 223-228, 21-23 Feb.,2018.
  24. I. Mahbub, T. Oh, S. Shamsir, S.K. Islam, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “Design of a pyroelectric charge amplifier and a piezoelectric energy harvester for a novel non-invasive wearable and self-powered respiratory monitoring system,” 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), Dahka, Bangladesh, 21 Dec. 2017.
  25. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, S. Messineo, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, “IR-Light induced pyroelectric effect for cell cultures characterization,” IEEE Sensors Conference, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct.-1 Nov., 2017
  26. I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, S.K. Islam, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “A low noise front-end amplifier for pyroelectric transducer based respiration monitoring system,” 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Boston, USA, 6-9 Aug. 2017.
  27. D. Menniti, M.G. Bianco, S.A. Pullano, R. Citraro, E. Russo, G. De Sarro, A.S. Fiorillo, “Activation of bottom-up and top-down auditory pathways by US sensors based interface,” 7th International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces, Vieste, Italy, 15-16 June, 2017.
  28. G. Bianco, S.A. Pullano, D. Menniti, A.S. Fiorillo, E. De Villers-Sidani, “Evaluation of auditory cortex tonotopical organization in rats Through Principal Component Analysis,” 12th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, 7-10 May, Rochester, USA, 2017.
  29. I. Mahbub, S.K. Islam, S. Samir, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, M.S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, “A low power wearable respiration monitoring sensor using pyroelectric transducer,” 2017 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, USA, 4-7 January, 2017.
  30. S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, M.O. Stetsenko, S.P. Rudenko, L.S. Maksimenko, I.M. Krishchenko, V.S. Synyuk., “Antireflection properties of 3A zeolite films enhanced by gold nanoparticles,” Proceedings of the IEEE Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop, Chemnitz, Germany, 8-9 Sept., 2016.
  31. S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, S.K. Islam, M.S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, “Non-invasive integrated wireless breathing monitoring system based on a pyroelectric transducer,” 15th IEEE Sensors Conference, Orlando, United States; 30 October - 2 November, 2016.
  32. M.G. Bianco, D. Menniti, S.A. Pullano, R. Citraro, E. Russo, G. De Sarro, A.S. Fiorillo “Electrical Activation of Nervous System by Sonar-Based Electronic Interface,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Benevento, Italy, 15-18 May, 2016.
  33. N. Vanello, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, L. Landini, “Obstacle Detection System based on Low Quality Factor Ultrasonic Transducers for Medical Devices,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Benevento, Italy, 15-18 May, 2016.
  34. I. Mahbub, H. Wang, S.K. Islam, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “A Low Power Wireless Breathing Monitoring System Using Piezoelectric Transducer,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Benevento, Italy, 15-18 May, 2016.
  35. S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, A. La Gatta, F. Lamonaca, D.L. Carnì, “Comprehensive System for the Evaluation of the Attention Level of a Driver,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Benevento, Italy, 15-18 May, 2016.
  36. S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, A. Morandi, P.L. Ribani, "Development of an Innovative Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System," 2015 AEIT International Annual Conference, Napoli, 2015
  37. A.S. Fiorillo, C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, S. De Franciscis, "Acoustic Cavitation for Producing Foam in Sclerosant Drugs," 2015 AEIT International Annual Conference, Napoli, 2015.
  38. S.A. Pullano, F. Laganà, A.S. Fiorillo, G. Cocorullo, "Bio-Inspired Ultrasonic System for Time of Flight Detection,” 2015 AEIT International Annual Conference, Napoli, 2015.
  39. Pullano S.A., Fiorillo A.S., Menniti D., Citraro R., De Sarro G., Russo E., “A Brain-To-SONAR Electronic Interface to Bypass Peripheral Auditory System in RATS,” 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Montpellier, France, 2015.
  40. I. Mahbub, S. Hasan, S.A. Pullano, F. Quaiyum, C.P. Stephens, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, M.S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, N. Beitel, “A Low Power Wireless Apnea Detection System Based on Pyroelectric Sensor,” IEEE Biowireless Symposium, San Diego, USA, 2015.
  41. S.A. Pullano, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, “A Pyroelectric Sensor for System-on-a-Chip”, 40TH Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, April 25-27, 2014.
  42. S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, C.D. Critello, F. Laganà, M. Menniti, F. Ruberto, R. Tiriolo, A.S. Fiorillo, “Biomass Plant for Production of Renewable Energy and Its Storage in a Superconducting Magnetic Device,” 55th Riga Technical University Conference, Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship, Riga, Latvia, 14-17 Oct. 2014
  43. S.A. Pullano, A. La Gatta, F. Ruberto A.S. Fiorillo, “Real-time ultrasound system for driver monitoring: an innovative application”, TRA2014 Transport Research Arena, Paris, 2014.
  44. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, C.D. Critello, R. Citraro, G. De Sarro, E. Russo, “Measurements of Rat Brain Activity Originating From Utrasound Waves in Air”, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Gatineau, Canada, 3-5 May, 2013.
  45. A.S. Fiorillo, A. La Gatta, S.A. Pullano, “Ultrasound in vehicle system for on-board monitoring”, Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (IMCAS '12), Rovaniemi, Finland, April 18-20, 2012.
  46. S.A. Pullano, G. Perozziello, E. Di Fabrizio, A.S. Fiorillo, “PVDF Pyroelectric Transducer for Temperature Measurements in Fluidic Micro-Channels,” 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2011, Iasi, Romania, 24-26 November, 2011
  47. A.S. Fiorillo F. Lamonaca, S.A. Pullano, “Piezo-polymer Based Sonar for Mobile Robots,” IEEE 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, Rende, Italy, 21-23 September 2009.
  48. A.S. Fiorillo, D. Grimaldi, S.A. Pullano, “Low Frequency Ultrasounds in Medicine,” IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings. Cetraro, Italy, 29-30 May 2009.
  49. Abstract
  50. P. Presta, G. Oliva, M. Musolino, G. Fabiano, N. Carullo, A. Armeni, S. Chiarella, M. Andreucci, A. Fiorillo, D. Bolignano, S. Pullano, G. Coppolino, “Triboelectric Evaluation of Arteriovenous Fistula for Haemodialysis: A Pilot Study,” Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 38, Issue Supplement_1, June 2023.
  51. N. Carullo, P. Presta, M. Musolino, G. Fabiano, M.G. Bianco, G. Oliva, A. Armeni, S. Chiarella, M. Andreucci, A. Fiorillo, D. Bolignano, S. Pullano, Giuseppe Coppolino, “Implementation of a New Generation Digital Stethoscope for Arteriovenous Fistula Monitoring in Hemodialysis Patients,” Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 38, Issue Supplement_1, June 2023.
  52. G. Barile*, S.A. Pullano*, A.S. Fiorillo, G. Ferri, “A Broadband Approach for the Generation and Reception of Low-Frequency Ultrasounds In-Air,” IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium, Virtual Symposium, 11-16 September, 2021.
  53. M.G. Bianco, S.A. Pullano, D.M. Corigliano, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, M. Greco M. ,” A novel cell characterization technique based on infrared-induced pyroelectric effect,” 1st International and 32nd Annual Conference of Italian Association of Cell Cultures, Catanzaro, Italy, 01-02 Oct., 2019
  54. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, M. Menniti, C.D. Critello, “Omnidirectional Wideband Ultrasonic Transducer”, Proceedings of the 51th SIE Conference, Rome, Italy,26-28 June, 2019.
  55. S.A. Pullano, M. Greco, D.P. Foti, A. Brunetti, A.S. Fiorillo, “Pyroelectric Sensor for Biological Cells Characterization”, Proceedings of the 50th SIE Conference, Naples,. Italy, 20-22 June, 2018.
  56. S.A. Pullano, I. Mahbub, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, “Pyroelectric Sensor for Microfluidic Devices”, Proceedings of the 49th SIE Conference, Palermo, Italy. 21-23 June, 2017.
  57. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, P.L. Ribani, A. Morandi, “Development of a dry-cooled SMES based on MgB2”, 11th International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries, Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials, Bled, Slovenia, 11-16 Sept., 2016.
  58. D. Cosco, P. Failla, N. Costa, M.C. Cristiano, R. Mare, S. Pullano, A. Fiorillo, M. Fresta, D. Paolino,” Physico-chemical characterization and evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of rutin loaded chitosan microparticles,” 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Glasgow, UK, 4-7 April 2016
  59. F. Quaiyum, I. Mahbub, Md. S. Hasan, S.A. Pullano, C.P. Stephens, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, M.S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, N. Beitel, “A Low Power Apnea Detection System Based on Pyroelectric Sensor,” 24th Annual Symposium on Microelectronics & Optoelectronics, Bridgeport, Ct, USA, 1 April, 2015.
  60. Mahbub, S.A. Pullano, F. Ruberto, M.S. Hasan, F. Quaiyum, C.P. Stephens, G. To, S.K. Islam, A.S. Fiorillo, M.S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, “Integrated Infants Apnea Monitoring System Based on Pyroelectric Sensor”, EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine, Ohau, Hawaii, 2014.
  61. N.M. Malara, R. Tiriolo, V. Trunzo, S.A. Pullano, E. Dattola, P. Failla, E. Di Fabrizio, V. Mollace, A.S. Fiorillo, “Low-Dose of Zeolite Nanoparticles Produce a Bimodal Effect on Breast Cancer Cells Induction of Geno-Oxidative Damage but Reduction of Lipid Peroxidation”, EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine 2014, Ohau, Hawaii, 2014.
  62. F. Quaiyum, L. Taylor, S.A. Pullano, I. Mahbub, A.S. Fiorillo, C. Britton, S. K. Islam, “Readout Circuitry for Monitoring Temperature Variations in Biological Fluids”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) annual meeting, San Antonio, Oct. 22-25, 2014.
  63. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, R. Tiriolo, M.T. Di Martino, P. Tassone, “A Zeolite-coated Silicon Wafer for Small Nucleic Acid Detection”, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, Prague, August, 14-15, 2014.
  64. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, M.G. Bianco, F. Ruberto, R. Citraro, G. De Sarro, E. Russo, “Bio-inspired Sonar System for Brain Stimulation to Transfer Sensorial Information”, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, Prague, August, 14-15, 2014.
  65. A.S. Fiorillo, C.D. Critello, S.A. Pullano, A. La Gatta, R. Serra, S. de Franciscis, “Acoustic Cavitation in Sclerotherapy”, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, Prague, August, 14-15, 2014.
  66. L. Taylor, S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, C. Britton, S. K. Islam, "A Novel Charge Sensitive Preamplifier Used with Pyroelectric Transducer for Monitoring Temperature Variations of Biological Substances", 23rd annual Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics (CMOC), Storrs, CT, April 9, 2014
  67. S.A. Pullano, A.S. Fiorillo, “Design and Fabrication of a Ferroelectric Polymer Based Sensor for Temperature Variation Monitoring in Microfluidic Devices”, Proceedings of the 45th GE Conference, Udine, 17-21 June, 2013.
  68. A.S. Fiorillo, S.A. Pullano, “Low Temperature Deposition of Zeolite Oil Mixture onto Silicon Wafers”, 1st Annual IEEE EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine Conference Ka’anapali, Hawaii USA, 3 - 7 December, 2012.
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