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The research activities of the BATS laboratory focus on the development of sensors, mainly for biomedical applications. The applications developed involve both polymeric and nanoporous materials, for the realisation of biomimetic-inspired devices. Research activities are also oriented towards the development of biomedical and environmental monitoring systems and the realisation of electronic systems for acquiring biomedical signals.


23/25 July 2024

Congratulations to Danilo for his participation to IEEE-SAS 2024 in Naples.

23 July 2024

Congratulations to Francesco Ruberto e Giancarlo Zatko for earning their Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

  19/21 June 2024

Congratulations to Prof. Maria Giovanna Bianco for successfully presenting her paper during IEEE-MeMeA 2024 in Eindhoven.

  7/9 February 2024

Congratulations to FIlippo Laganà for his successful presentation at AISEM 2024.

  29 September 2023

Congratulations to Prof. Fiorillo for receiving his Career Award during IEEE-BATS Conference in Catanzaro, Italy.

  7/9 August 2023

Congratulation to Twisha, Shuvo, and Giuseppe for their participation in the LEC 2023 conference in Chicago.

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Web designer: Michele Menniti
contacts: +39 0961 369 4108
BATS Lab Official Website
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Web designer: Michele Menniti
contacts: +39 0961 369 4108
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